12th Australasian
Natural Convection

30th Nov – 1st December 2023

The University of Melbourne

We will host the upcoming 12th Australasian Natural Convection Workshop (ANCW) at The University of Melbourne. The ANCW series were initiated in 1984 at CSIRO and were hosted by various research institutes across Australia. The workshops focus on natural convection and mixed convection problems in heat and mass transfer with engineering and basic science applications. The main purpose of the workshop is to provide a small, informal and interactive forum for academics, researchers and research students to interact, discuss their research findings and establish networking.

  • The workshop has been previously organised by

    • CSIRO – Highett (1984)
    • The University of New South Wales (1987)
    • Monash University (1990)
    • The University of Western Australia (1993)
    • The University of Sydney (1996)
    • Murdoch University (1999)
    • The University of Sydney (2003)
    • The University of Sydney (2013)
    • Monash University (2015)
    • Auckland University of Technology and the University of Auckland (2017)
    • The University of Sydney (2019)
    In the past the number of presentations at the workshop has been limited to about 40 to 50 and a mix of theoretical, numerical and experimental papers have been presented. The participation has mainly been comprised of Australian researchers, academics and research students with a small number of leading researchers from overseas.

    Important dates

    Two page abstract submission opens: 6 September 2023
    Two page abstract due: 6 October 2023 (extended to 13 October 2023)
    Notification of abstract acceptance: 25 October 2023
    Registration opens: 10 October 2023
    Registration for presenters closes: 10 November 2023
    Workshop starts: 30 November 2023
    Workshop dinner: 30 November 2023
    Workshop ends: 1 December 2023

  • Abstract submission

    All presenters are required to submit a two-page abstract in pdf format. Abstracts should follow the templates provided below for MS Word or LaTeX. A Book of Abstracts along with the workshop program will be made available to all participants at the Workshop. Submission of the abstract should be via email to jimmyp@unimelb.edu.au.

  • Templates

  • Program

    The session talks are 10min followed by 5min for questions and discussion.
    The workshop program is available for download at the link below:
    ANCW2023 Program
    The book of extended abstracts is available for download at the link below:
    ANCW2023 Book of Abstracts

  • Keynote Speakers

    The Keynote Speakers for the 12th ANCW have been updated:
    Professor Greg Sheard (Monash University)
    Dr Junhao (Kris) Ke (University of Sydney)
    Dr Stuart Norris (University of Auckland)
    Dr Cat Vreugdenhil (University of Melbourne)

  • Registration

    Registration is now closed. The registration rates were (early bird closed 10 November):
    General Registration (early bird) incl. GST $385 (closed)
    Student Registration (early bird) incl. GST $137.50 (closed)
    General Registration incl. GST $495 (closed)
    Student Registration incl. GST $192.50 (closed)
    The registration will cover the coffees, morning and afternoon teas and lunches over the two days as well as the workshop dinner. An electronic book of extended abstracts will also be provided to all registered participants.

  • Contact

    If you have any queries regarding this workshop, please email: daniel.chung@unimelb.edu.au.

  • Workshop Venue

    The 12th ANCW will be held in on the 7th floor of the Alan Gilbert Building (161 Barry St, Carlton VIC 3053) on the Parkville Campus of The University of Melbourne. There is currently some construction going on around the Alan Gilbert building, please see map below for suggested access routes. The workshop dinner venue is the University House Woodward Conference Centre (Law Building, 10th floor, 106/185 Pelham St, Carlton VIC 3053).